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Sums of numbers that add to X

Date: 10-Oct-2004/17:45

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I saw the following coding problem:
Write a function that takes 4 integers as input and returns an integer. The four input values will each range from 1-10, and the function should calculate the number of combinations of input that add to 15 and return that number of combinations.
For example, if the four input values were labeled A-D and had the values A=5, B=5, C=5 and D=10 there would be 4 combinations adding to 15.
  • A+D = 15
  • B+D = 15
  • C+D = 15
  • A+B+C = 15
So the desired output would be: 4
Please describe how you would modify your solution to accept N input values (instead of just four).
My first try turned out to be slower than a solution from an experienced C++ programmer who'd leveraged the C++ standard library algorithms. Here's how he did it:
class Knapsack
  Knapsack (
    std::vector::const_iterator beg,
    std::vector::const_iterator end,
    int sum
    : _pieces (beg, end)
    , _sum (sum)
        // precondition: input was sorted

  int UniqueCombinations ();

  std::vector _pieces;
  int _sum;

// Each combination is counted only once
// Hint: If a pick contains several equal items in a row,
// they were all picked from the front of a run of
// equal items in the (sorted) input (see the skipping below)
int Knapsack::UniqueCombinations ()
  int count = 0;
  std::vector::const_iterator it = _pieces.begin ();
  std::vector::const_iterator end = _pieces.end ();
  assert (it != end);    
  do {
    int curItem = *it;
    int newSum = _sum - curItem;

    if (newSum == 0) {
    } else if (newSum > 0 && it != end) {
     Knapsack smallerKnapsack (it, end, newSum);
     count += smallerKnapsack.UniqueCombinations ();

    // skip all equal value items
    while (it != end && *it == curItem) {
  } while (it != end);
  return count;

int FillKnapsack (int const * arr, int size, int sum)
  if (size == 0)
    std::cout << "0 combinations: empty array" << std::endl;
    return 0;

    std::vector data (arr, arr + size);
    // sort in decreasing order
    std::sort (data.begin (), data.end (), std::greater ());
    Knapsack knapsack (data.begin (), data.end (), sum);
    int comb = knapsack.UniqueCombinations ();

    std::cout << comb << " combination(s)" << std::endl;
    return comb;
  catch (std::bad_alloc)
    std::cerr << "Out of memory" << std::endl;
  catch (...)
    std::cerr << "Unknown error" << std::endl;
  return 0;
Not to be outdone, I started wondering if there was a way to do it even faster. Since the values in the array are bounded, I decided to immediately transform the input into a histogram telling how many of each number appeared. Then I would do a brute force march through all the histograms that were "recipes" adding to the target sum, and add the appropriate number of sums for each match. So in the sample case:
  • A = 5
  • B = 5
  • C = 5
  • D = 10
I'd quickly transform it to mean:
[0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,1] // three fives and one 10
Then, I'd generate the exhaustive list of "recipes" that sum to 15:
[15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] // fifteen ones
[13,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] // thirteen ones and one two
[12,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] // twelve ones and one three
/* ... */
[0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1] // one ten and one five
From there it was just a matter of seeing how many times a recipe could be applied on the input. That's relatively straightforward combinatorics, but my example cases on large data sets overflowed my naive algorithm for combinations. It was a hard bug to track down, but once I replaced it with a better routine off the web I had a blazing fast algorithm. Its performance is determined by the range of the numbers and the value of the sum, not the size of the input array.
UPDATE 17-Jan-2014 The code below was written 10 years ago; when I wasn't particularly comfortable with the C++ collection classes.
// how many combinations of k objects can you choose from a set of n objects ?
// this method avoids overflow that you hit with:
//    factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k))
// see http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/faculty/fecteau/cs140/combPerm.html
unsigned int combinations(unsigned int r, unsigned int n)
  assert(n >= k);
  unsigned int k = r < n-r ? r : n-r;
  unsigned int answer = 1;
  unsigned int multiplier = n;
  unsigned int divisor = 1;
  while (divisor <= k) {
    answer = (answer * multiplier) / divisor; // this will evenly divide 
  return answer;

// SumsRecipe
// Given a "recipe" for producing a certain sum, tell how many ways that recipe
// can be achieved given the set of numbers indicated by Nums.  Both the recipe
// and the input list are set up so that array[j] tells you how many j's you have
// (or in the case of the recipe, how many j's are needed)
unsigned int SumsRecipe(
  const unsigned int Nums[],
  const unsigned int Recipe[],
  unsigned int Max
) {
  unsigned int Sums = 1;
  for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= Max; j++)
    if (Nums[j] < Recipe[j])
      return 0;
    if (Recipe[j] != 0)
      Sums *= combinations(Recipe[j], Nums[j]);
  return Sums;

// EnumRecipe
// Class which provides a somewhat brute-force method of enumerating over all
// the possible "Recipes" for making the value X as a sum of numbers 1-Max.
// It really just ticks through the recipes like an odometer, trying:
//   1 one, then 2 ones, then 3 ones...
// When it hits the maximum number of ones you can have it then tries:
//   1 two with 0 ones, then 1 two with 1 one, then 1 two with 2 ones...
// Although it might seem like this is a terrible way to generate these
// recipes, there are a couple of "saving graces".  We know
// we don't have more than Length numbers available, and that the total
// can't be greater than X...so if we hit an excess of either of these
// conditions we can fast-forward the "odometer" to the next setting
// which zeroes one of the wheels.
class EnumRecipe
  unsigned int m_X; // Target value for our recipe's sum
  unsigned int m_Length; // Most numbers that could occur in a recipe
  unsigned int m_Max; // Maximum value of any given number
  unsigned int m_Used; // Numbers used in this recipe
  unsigned int m_Total; // Current running total sum
  bool m_First; // First time calling the enumerator?
  const unsigned int* m_Nums; // How many of each number is available in the input?

    unsigned int X,  
    const unsigned int* Nums, 
    unsigned int Length, 
    unsigned int Max
  ) :
    // Nothing to do

  bool NextRecipe(unsigned int Recipe[])
    if (m_First) {
      // since this is the first call, start by zeroing out
      // the recipe that the user passed in...
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= m_Max; j++)
        Recipe[j] = 0;
      m_First = false;
      // Assert(m_Total == 0);
      // Assert(m_Used == 0);

    unsigned int Wheel = 1;
    while (true) {
      // Will increasing the current "Wheel" lead to a
      // "Recipe" that uses more values than we have as
      // input, or one that the recipe's summation will 
      // exceed our target X value?
      if ((m_Used < m_Length) && 
          (m_Total < m_X) && 
          (m_Nums[Wheel] >= Recipe[Wheel])
      ) {
        m_Total += Wheel;

        if (m_Total == m_X)
          return true;

        // as on an odometer, each time we successfully
        // increment one of the wheels, the next wheel
        // we'll try to increment will be the first again
        Wheel = 1;

      } else {
        // We reached the maximum value for this "wheel"
        // Is it the last one?  If so, we're done.
        if (Wheel == m_Max)
          return false;

        // Zero this wheel and update our state variables.
        // This intermediate state is one that we've visited
        // before, so no need to test total against m_X
        m_Total -= (Wheel * Recipe[Wheel]);
        m_Used -= Recipe[Wheel];
        Recipe[Wheel] = 0;

    return true;

  virtual ~EnumRecipe()
    // Nothing to do

// SumsThatAddToXSpecialized
// Specialized version of code which answers the "how many ways
// are there to achieve the sum of X using the integers in Values[]".
// This case is specialized because it assumes that the
// values in the array range from 1..Max.  What's different about
// this particular approach is that the performance is not a
// function of the length of the input array.
unsigned int SumsThatAddToXSpecialized(
    unsigned int X, 
    const unsigned int Values[], 
    unsigned int Length,
    unsigned int Max
) {
  unsigned int Nums[Max+1];
  for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= Max; j++) {
    Nums[j] = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Length; i++) {
    // Assert((Values[i] <= Max) && (Values[i] > 0));

  unsigned int Sums = 0;

  unsigned int Recipe[Max+1];
  EnumRecipe er (X, Nums, Length, Max);
  while (er.NextRecipe(Recipe)) {
    Sums += SumsRecipe(Nums, Recipe, Max);
  return Sums;
It's fun to see something like this run so fast and still be correct!
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