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The Essential Noisy Debug Hook for Qt

Date: 2-Oct-2012/22:52

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If you're using Qt, you might find that it can often be rather quiet about important and common programming errors. For instance: by default, it considers the inability to connect a signal and a slot--due perhaps to a typographic error--to be a warning worth only quietly pushing into your debug output window. It's easy to miss, especially if you (or libraries you call) have a lot of monitoring information turned on!
I'm the sort who immediately bumps up every warning level in the compiler to turn them into errors. In a similar vein, I've found it useful to throw the following code into the main.cpp of any Qt GUI app I am writing. (Thanks to commenter kkoehne for feedback!)
#ifdef QT_DEBUG

#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QThread>
#include <iostream>

// By default, fairly big problems like QObject::connect not working due to not being able
// to find a signal or slot goes to the debug output.  There can be a lot of spew which
// makes that easy to miss.  While perhaps the release build would want to try and
// keep going, it helps debugging to get told this ASAP.
// Would be nice to chain to the default Qt platform error handler
// However, this is not feasible as there is no "default error handler" function
// The default error handling is merely what runs in qt_message_output
//     http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/4.5/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp#line2004
void noisyFailureMsgHandler(QtMsgType type, const char * msgAsCstring) {
    QString msg (msgAsCstring);
    std::cerr << msgAsCstring;

    // Why on earth didn't Qt want to make failed signal/slot connections qWarning?
    if ((type == QtDebugMsg)
            && msg.contains("::connect")) {
        type = QtWarningMsg;

    // this is another one that doesn't make sense as just a debug message.  pretty serious
    // sign of a problem
    // http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/QPainter::begin:Paint_device_returned_engine_%3D%3D_0_(Known_Issue)
    if ((type == QtDebugMsg)
            && msg.contains("QPainter::begin")
            && msg.contains("Paint device returned engine")) {
        type = QtWarningMsg;

    // This qWarning about "Cowardly refusing to send clipboard message to hung application..."
    // is something that can easily happen if you are debugging and the application is paused.
    // As it is so common, not worth popping up a dialog.
    if ((type == QtWarningMsg)
            && QString(msg).contains("QClipboard::event")
            && QString(msg).contains("Cowardly refusing")) {
        type = QtDebugMsg;

    // only the GUI thread should display message boxes.  If you are
    // writing a multithreaded application and the error happens on
    // a non-GUI thread, you'll have to queue the message to the GUI
    QCoreApplication * instance = QCoreApplication::instance();
    const bool isGuiThread = 
        instance && (QThread::currentThread() == instance->thread());

    if (isGuiThread) {
        QMessageBox messageBox;
        switch (type) {
        case QtDebugMsg:
        case QtWarningMsg:
            messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
        case QtCriticalMsg:
            messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
        case QtFatalMsg:

        int ret = messageBox.exec();
        if (ret == QMessageBox::Cancel)
    } else {
        if (type != QtDebugMsg)
            abort(); // be NOISY unless overridden!        
Then in the main() function, after the QApplication is initialized...I'll say:
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    // Because our "noisy" message handler uses the GUI subsystem for message
    // boxes, we can't install it until after the QApplication is constructed.  But it
    // is good to be the very next thing to run, to start catching warnings ASAP.
        QtMsgHandler oldMsgHandler (qInstallMsgHandler(noisyFailureMsgHandler));
        Q_UNUSED(oldMsgHandler); // squash "didn't use" compiler warning
By re-prioritizing the default error levels to something more reasonable and being "noisier" when a serious problem is happening during debugging, it has been a huge time saver. Try it and let me know what you think!
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