Genesis of the Benzene Application Framework : 3-Jul-2014
PixelCAD Icon Editor from 2002 : 20-Jun-2014
The Evolution and Acceptance of the World Wide Web : 18-May-2014
Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and 128 : 16-May-2014
Coding on the Osborne One with BASIC FUN : 15-May-2014
Charles Babbage as Grumpy Old Man : 12-Dec-2013
Funny Maze Solver From Age 13 : 11-Dec-2013
Load Balancing on Massively Parallel Networks : 10-Dec-2013
Inquiry /E and /G - More Teenage Turbo C Coding : 27-Sep-2013
MANYKEYS: My Open Source Roots : 16-Sep-2013
Invention as a Social Process : 21-Apr-1995
The Rationalization of Technology : 4-Mar-1995
Middle Ages vs the Industrial Revolution essay : 20-Oct-1994